
Инженерно-производственная компания "RallMetall"
More than 20 years of production and development experience.
We have developed serial sheet metal products in the electrical industry.
Experience in the aircraft industry and in the electrical industry makes it possible to develop lightweight and independent structures where it becomes a competitive advantage.
Understanding powder coating processes allows you to create high-quality and beautiful surfaces that give a finished look to products.
Experience in the development of manufacturing companies with the number of employees from 100 to 1000 people and a turnover of more than 5 billion. per year, on the basis of which we created a clear structure for the development and consulting of such organizations.
Our goal is to become the largest network manufacturing company in the country and the near abroad, using artificial intelligence and the latest technologies in our field, with our own infrastructure and raw materials.
Our mission is to create a high-quality, functional and beautiful product for your business.
Our product is a franchise of a manufacturing business, with a built-up promotion strategy, a description of the product and the main values of consumers, a created development strategy up to a turnover of 10 million per month from one point.
The fusion of consulting, manufacturing and entrepreneurial experience provides a great opportunity to achieve your goals.

Направление деятельности: B2B

Направление деятельности: Franchising