MPR Franchise (Рermanent Sales Store)
Permanent Sales Store - household Goods

MPR is a retail project of the Gala Center Group of companies. Over 5 years, more than 530 stores have been opened in more than 330 localities of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Armenia. Bonuses to partners for the development of the network. Delivery from 4 RC: Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok. 18 product lines in the non-food category. More than 50 own trademarks. Own online store with integration of order delivery services Yandex. Food, Market Delivery. The MPR customer Loyalty bonus system.

On March 19, 20 and 21, 2024, among the visitors of the MPR stand (legal entities and sole proprietors), 3 certificates in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles are awarded for the purchase of goods for the MPR mazin;
9 certificates in the amount of 99% for a lump sum payment;
18 certificates in the amount of 50% for a lump sum payment,
when a Participant opens an MPR store, in accordance with the franchise agreement with the Organizer until 30.06.2024.

Направление деятельности: Franchising